Friday, January 29, 2010

First Weigh In

So I went to Weight Watchers today and had my first weigh in. I was looking forward to this moment all week. After carefully watching what I ate and made sure I drank enough water (even though that meant going to the bathroom every 45 minutes) I knew that I had to have lost at least 5 pounds. I felt better. I knew it. I had to have lost 5 pounds. As I stepped up to the scale all the choices of my past week were in my mind, and I was happy with my choices. I stepped up with a big smile on my face and waited to hear. The woman behind the counter happily chirped, "You are down 1.2 pounds!"

1.2 pounds?????? That can't be right!

I looked as she affixed my tiny membership sticker for the week to make sure what I heard was accurate and it was - 1.2 pounds. What an unbelievable disappointment.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I went with my friend who said she had a horrible time, felt awful and just got her period today, which all us ladies know means that you get bloated and gain weight. She gets on the scale and loses 2.6 pounds. I swear that the scales at Weight Watchers don't like me because that made no sense at all.

I put the smile on my face and give the line "it's one pound less than I was last week" but I just wanted to punch something. I really thought I did better and now I have to sit in this meeting, listen to how great everyone else did, put a smile on and act like I'm okay?

But - - -

As much as I hated the saying, it is true that it is one pound less than I was last week. One pound closer to goal and one pound closer to my anniversary party with my husband as I unveil the new me.

I can take pride in the fact that I know that I did all I could to reach goals. I didn't cheat. I didn't lie and I did eat the right number of points and drink all my water. I can do better and I will next week.

First week down and my current weight is 285 pounds.

What's a pound?????

It's one step closer to my dreams and goals. One pound is one less burger, ice cream or cake that I didn't eat.

One pound is the result of my first week at Weight Watchers and I am going to go into the next week with my head held high and ready for the new challenges ahead!

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